Frequently Asked Questions

Are tynee’s loc love products for locs only?

NO. We offer a variety of products for your free-flowing curls, kinks, and coils. Check out our Free-flowing Crowns Care page. Also, feel free to visit our Tynee’s King’s Care page for all of your beard and men’s hair care essentials. Our products work best on those with hair types 3a-3c and 4a-4c.

What’s my hair type?

What’s my hair type?

Are your products safe to use on children?

Our Products are made with ALL NATURAL INGREDIENTS. Safe for mostly anyone that uses them. See product’s description for more details.

Will your products make my hair grow?

You will notice a significant difference in the way your hair grows within weeks; for some, days! But there are still other factors to consider, such as your overall health, genetics, etc. Drink plenty of water! Results may vary from person to person. Our mission is to help you produce healthier and stronger hair. When using our products, as directed and regularly, they can do just that!

Do i absolutely need to use a microfiber towel to dry my hair?

We recommend that you use a microfiber towel when drying your hair, as they are known to reduce frizz, but NO, it is not necessary. What is important is that you do dry your hair as best as possible because water sitting on the hair for too long can cause mold to grow. YUCK!

how long are the shelf lives for your products?

Our products are made of ALL NATURAL and ORGANIC ingredients. Most only last 1 to 3 months after breaking the seal. We recommend using products within 1 to 2 weeks after they’ve been delivered. If the product has any change in consistency, color, or smell after the suggested PAO (period after opening) then we recommend discarding it. You can find the PAO symbol (opened jar) located on the back of each container. You may even store containers in a refrigerator to extend the freshness of some products, but it is not necessary.